From:                                         Randy Cooper []

Sent:                                           Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3:49 PM


Subject:                                     Levitt Property, Map R12, Lot 100, Sublot B


Dear Mr. Benesh:


Please be advised that this office represents Daren Levitt regarding municipal issues with respect to the accessory apartment on his property. 


I attach this letter a denial of municipal septic approval issued by the Board of Selectmen. 


It is my intent to file with the ZBA applications for both a variance, and for an administrative appeal.  I do no feel that I can discuss with you the details of either since you and other members of the ZBA will be sitting on these applications in a quasi-judicial capacity, and it would be inappropriate for me to discuss the details of either application in advance of the hearing.  Certain material, however, will be submitted as part of the application process. 


I would appreciate you providing me either in Word or Word Perfect copies of your application forms for both a variance and an appeal of administrative decision. 


I thank you for your time in advance.


Randy Cooper



Randall F. Cooper

COOPER CARGILL CHANT, P.A. - Attorneys at Law

2935 White Mountain Highway - North Conway NH 03860
110 Pleasant Street - Berlin New Hampshire 03570
(603) 356-5439 [TEL] / (603) 356-7975 [FAX]


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